PSA | I Suck
For someone who takes pride in having a blog and keeping it relatively updated, I’ve done a darn-near horrible job of not updating it in the last 2 weeks. While there’s a magnitude of reasons I haven’t done very well, to say the least, in the past few days (Pastor Rich visiting, finals approaching, a straight-up bout with laziness, etc.), for the most part, it’s been just not getting around to it. Now, as my trip to Egypt approaches and I’m preparing to take off, I want to have what’s been going on in my neck of the woods out there for my (3) fans to enjoy.
So here is a small link to what went down while Rich Carlson was here; give it a read, it’s pretty enjoyableThis week I’m going to make sure I keep this blog updated to get back into the rhythm of writing every day. While I previously had talked myself out of taking my laptop to
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