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.:: The Daily Cowbell ::.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Neato | Top 10 Reasons I Kinda Wish Kerry Would Have Won The Election

MY APARTMENT - Bunch of funny here. How many do you agree with?


Top Ten Reasons I Kinda Wish Kerry Would Have Won The Election

10. Our Teresa graphic is way more fun than our Laura graphic.

9. Bushes would outnumber Clintons 2-1 on the disaster aid brigade.

8. I'd rather listen to Republican Senators justify votes against Sonia Sotomayor than listen to them justify votes for Harriet Miers.

7. Homelessness would disappear, the economy would suddenly be robust and the news from Iraq would be all good.

6. I would have had a good excuse to brush up on my French. Mon dieu!

5. Saturday Night Live's Seth Meyers would have received a huge career boost due to his Kerry impressions.

4. Without Bush to kick around, dirty smelly hippies would just stay home and get high.

3. Instead of being envied for having the most free, productive and inventive country on earth, we'd be envied for our leaders' full, luscious heads of hair.

2. Cindy who?

1. No one could blame me-I voted for Bush!

Pretty good, guys.



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