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.:: The Daily Cowbell ::.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Update | Chiefs cuts

NAIROBI, KENYA - Ok, so I did give you warning...

My prediction for what will be done, however, is different: KC cuts Shields, McCleon, Warfield, Barber, and possibly Priest.

So really, I was mostly right. We stilll haven't heard anything about Will Shields, but his agent recently stated that he will be playing in 2006, so you've gotta assume it's for KC. No news on Priest, thank the Lord. Gary Stills was my only suprise, but really, he's always been a guy on my nerves because he literally does one job all the time (right up there with long-snapper Kendell Gammon). So thank you, Carl.

The word of Chris: I like these moves. It was the best way to go under the cap. Hopefully something will happen and we can replace Warfield... anyone interested in Ty Law? or Lawyer Milloy? Reggie Howard? Hmmm... There are definately other cornerbacks on the free agent market, plus the oppurtunity in the NFL Draft. Let's hope the Chiefs management has a trick up their sleeve.

Also, the CBA got a 3-day extension before free-agency began, so it might not be the last cuts we see. Pray.

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